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Ship Security Plan

Organization and Responsibilities

1.1   Shipboard Organization Chart relating to security

Organization Chart – Company and Ship







1.2   Master’s Overriding Authority


The Company should establish in the SSP that the master has the overriding authority and the responsibility to make decisions which, in his professional judgement, is necessary to maintain the safety and security of the ship.  This includes denial of access to persons (except those identified as duly authorized by a Contracting Government) or their effects and refusal to load cargo, including containers or other closed cargo transport units.

If, in the professional judgement of the master, a conflict between any safety and security requirements applicable to the ship arises during its operations, the master shall give effect to those requirements necessary to maintain the safety of the ship.  In such cases, the master shall give effect to those requirements necessary to maintain the safety of the ship.  In such case, the master may implement temporary security whose port the ship is operating or intends to enter.  Any such temporary security measures shall, to the highest possible degree, be commensurate with the prevailing security level.


1.3   Company Security Officer


1.3.1          Details of CSO in charge of this ship are written in Appendix 6.


1.3.2          Duty and Responsibility

The duties and responsibilities of the CSO shall include, but are not limited to:

1.       advising the level of threats likely to be encountered by the ship, using appropriate security assessments and other relevant information;

2.       ensuring that ship security assessment are carried out;

3.       ensuring the development, the submission for approval, and thereafter the implementation and maintenance of the Ship Security Plan;

4.       ensuring that the Ship Security Plan is modified, as appropriate, to correct deficiencies and satisfy the security requirements of the individual ship;

5.       arranging for internal audits and reviews of security activities;

6.       arranging for the initial and subsequent verifications of the ship by the Administration or the RSO;

7.       ensuring that deficiencies and non-conformities identified during internal audits, periodic reviews, security inspections and verifications of compliance are promptly addressed and dealt with;

8.       enhancing security awareness and vigilance;

9.       ensuring adequate training for personnel responsible for the security of the ship

10.   ensuring effective communication and co-operation  between the SSO and the relevant PFSO;

11.   ensuring consistency between security requirements and safety requirement;

12.   ensuring that, if sister-ship or fleet security are used, the plan for each ship reflects the ship-specific information accurately; and

13.   ensuring that any alternative or equivalent arrangements approved for a particular ship or group of ships are implemented and maintained.


1.4   Ship Security Officer

1.4.1          Designation

On this ship the Chief Officer is designated to SSO and his details is written in Appendix 7.


1.4.2          Duty and Responsibility

The duties and responsibilities of the SSO shall include, but are not limited to:

1.       undertaking regular security inspections of the ship to ensure that appropriate security measures are maintained;

2.       maintaining and supervising the implementation of the Ship Security Plan, including any amendments to the plan;

3.       co-ordinating the security aspects of the handling of cargo and ship’s stores with other shipboard personnel and with the relevant PFSO;

4.       proposing modifications to the Ship Security Plan;

5.       reporting to the CSO any deficiencies and non-conformities identified during internal audits, periodic reviews, security inspections and verifications of compliance and implementing any corrective actions;

6.       enhancing security awareness and vigilance on board;

7.       ensuring that adequate training has been provided to shipboard personnel, as appropriate;

8.       reporting all security incidents;

9.       co-ordinating implementation of the Ship Security Plan with the CSO and the relevant PFSO;

10.   ensuring that security equipment is properly operated, tested, calibrated and maintained, if any; and

11.   verifying the consent of Declaration of Security and to carry it out. SSP has responsibility to liaise with PFSO.  SSP and the master are given authority to exchange Declaration of Security with PFSO.


5.4.4    SSP has responsibility along with the master to liaise with the customs and other legal agencies.


5.5     Other Crew Members

5.5.1          Duties and Responsibilities

Duties and responsibilities assigned to crewmemebers, during this ship at sea or in port are prescribed in Appendix 8.


5.5.2          Duty and Responsibility

All crewmembers should be aware of the current security level the ship is operating at that time.  They are always required to perform careful look out, and report to duty officer of any abnormal condition of security equipment, suspicious person, material or activity.


5.6     Security measures at each Security Level

   The Security measure in which the individual member of crew is required to respond at each    

   security level is prescribed in Appendix 9.


6          Declaration of Security

6.1     Contracting Governments shall determine when a Declaration of Security is required by assessing the risk the ship/port interface or ship to ship activity poses to people, property or the environment.

6.2     A ship can request completion of a Declaration of Security when:

    1. the ship is operating at a higher security level than he port facility or another ship it is interfacing with;
    2. there is an agreement on Declaration of Security between Contracting Governments covering certain international voyages or specific ships on those voyages;
    3. there has been a security threat or a security incident involving the ship or involving the port facility, as applicable;
    4. the ship is at a port which is not required to have and implement an approved port facility security plan; or
    5. the ship is conducting ship to ship activities with another ship not required to have and implement an approved Ship Security Plan.


6.3     The applicable port facility or ship shall acknowledge request for the completion of a Declaration of Security.


6.4     The Declaration of Security shall be completed by:

1.       the master or SSO on behalf of the ship; and, if appropriate,

2.       the PFSO or if the Contracting Government determines otherwise, by any other body responsible for shore-side security, on behalf of the port facility.


6.5     A sample form of Declaration of Security is shown in Appendix 1.


7          Security Measure

There are 3 of security levels to be set out each responding to the degree of threat.  Innormal time of peach the ships act upon the security level 1.  At security level 1, the following activities shall be carried out on all ships, in order to identify and take preventive measures against security incidents:

1.       ensuring the performance of all ship security duties;

2.       controlling access to the ship;

3.       controlling the embarkation of persons and their effects;

4.       monitoring restricted areas to ensure that only authorized persons have access;

5.       monitoring of deck areas and areas surrounding the ship;

6.       supervision the handling of cargo and ship’s stores; and

7.       ensuring that security communication is readily available.

The changes in security level occur when the degree of threat and risk has changed.


At Security level 2, the additional protective measures shall be implemented for each activity detailed in the above paragraph.  At security level 3, further specific protective measures shall be implemented for each activity detailed in the above paragraph.

Prior to entering a port, or whilst in a port within the territory of a Contracting Government that has set security level 2 or 3, the ship acknowledge receipt of this instruction and shall confirm to the PFSO the initiation of the implementation of the appropriate measures and procedures as detailed in the SSP, and in the case of security level 3, an instruction issued by the Contracting Government which has set security level.


At security level 3, the ship shall follow the instruction issued by the organization, which respond to this security incident or its threat.  Every security measures to be taken shall be such that they would closely coordinate with the activity of those who respond to the incident and with the port facility.  The ship shall report to the company of the above instruction.  The master is always responsible for the safety of ship.  Even under security level 3, the master car request explanation or modification of instruction issued by organization who responds to the security incident or its threat, if there is an evidence to believe that implementation of instruction may endanger the safety of ship.


The master shall report any problems, which may occur when implementing the security measures,  In this case, the master shall co-ordinate to take appropriate action consulting with PFSO and SSO.


If a ship is required by the Administration to set, or is already at, a higher security level than that set for the port it intends to enter or in which it is a already located, then the ship shall advise, without delay, the competent authority of the Contracting Government within whose territory the port facility is located and the PFSO of the situation.


8.                               Access point and Measures to Prevent Unauthorized Access

8.1                  Access Point and Measures to prevent unauthorized access


Access Point




Post a guard/ post a look-out personnel

Pilot Ladder

Post a guard/ post a look-out personnel/ keep the ladder clear of water surface/ keep the ladder clear of wharf


Post a guard/ post a look-out personnel

Access by Crane or Other Hoisting Equipment

Post a guard/ post a look-out personnel

Vehicle Ramp Way

Post a guard / post a look-out personnel / secure from inside

Ship’s Side Port

Post a guard / post a look-out personnel / secure from inside

Anchor Cable

Post a guard/ post a look-out personnel/close hawse pipe

Mooring Ropes

Post a guard/ post a look-out personnel / fit a large rat guard or close by other means


8.2                       List to access to Restricted Area or Other Part of Ship when it was accessed, and List of Measures to prevent unauthorized access

Access Point



Emergency escape doors of each deck in accommodation space (list them up)

Secure from inside.  These spaces should be kept free of obstacle.  If secured for security reason, door must be able to open without key from evacuation direction.

All doors in accommodation space (list them up)

Lock the doors / secure from inside

All openings on deck (list up all openings capable toe access from deck)

Lock the openings / secure from inside

Doors fitted to funnel at each deck (list them up)

Lock the doors / secure from inside


8.3                       List of Restricted Area and Measures to prevent unauthorized access

All restricted areas should be clearly marked indicating that access to the area is restricted and that unauthorized presence within the area constitutes a breach of security.

Restricted Area




Post a guard / lock the room

Machinery Space

Post a guard / lock the space

Radio Room

Post a guard / lock the room

Crew Accommodation

Post a guard / lock the accommodation space

Gyro Room

Post a guard / lock the room

Spaces containing security and surveillance equipment and systems

Post a guard / lock the space


8.5   Control of Dangerous Goods or Hazardous Substances

When ship has spaces containing dangerous goods or hazadous substances, SSO should complete inventory of them and verify their quantities at regular interval.  (Form of Inventory is shown in Annex 6).  These spaces should be identified as restricted area, and should follow the procedures of above 8.3.


9        Procedures responding to Security Threats and Breach of Security

9.1   Security Threats

Where there exit security threats, ship may be advised of security level 2 or 3 from the Administration or Contracting Government where the port facility is located.  If ship is operating at security level 1 and the master or SSO considers that there exist security threats, they should take appropriate action to mitigate those threats.  The master or SSO should also report to the Administration and Contracting Government of the port facility about the threats.

9.2   Breach of Security

Where there is a breach of security, the master should consider to:

1.       activate ship security alert system,

2.       issue that all crew stand on emergency station,

3.       report to the Contracting Government of the port facility,

4.       prepare to abandon ship,

5.       prepare leave the port

6.       follow instructions issued by the Contracting Government,

7.       follow the Contingency Response Plan in Appendix 10, for:

a.       Hijack

b.       Bomb Threat

c.       Unidentified Object/Explosive on Shipboard

d.       Bomb Threat/Damage and Destruction to Port Facility

e.       Pirate

f.        Stowaway


10    Evacuation Procedure in Security Threats and Brach of Security

General Instruction

The final decision to abandon ship shall be made by the master when he believed that this action was imminent after every effort to save the ship had exhausted.  Many seamen returned back to ship safely after once abandoned.  The master should verify that every measure to save the ship had been taken before abandoing.


Nobody should abandon ship until clear instruction is given by the master.

It is important to keep the order, accomplish one’s duty and maintain perfect control.


At Sea

Everybody should follow the Muser List for abandon ship.


In Port

Everybody should assemble in a place designated, and follow instruction given by PFSO.  When there is no such instruction, every body shall take action considered necessary to minimize damage to human life, properties and environment.

Ship Security Plan Page -> 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 <- Total 5 pages

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