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Ship Security Plan

Appendix 1  Form of Declaration of Security


Form of Declaration of Security


Name of Ship:

Port of Registry:

IMO Number

Name of Port Facility:





This Declaration of Security is valid from……………….until…………….,for the following activities below.

Security level (s) for the ship:

Security level(s) for the port facility:



To ensure compliance with the requirements of Part A of the ISPS, the port facility and ship will agree to the following security measures and responsibilities.



The affixing of the initials of the SSO or PFSO under these columns indicates that the activity will be done, in accordance with relevant approved plan




Ensuring the performance of all security duties



Monitoring restricted areas to ensure that only authorized personnel have access



Controlling access to the port facility



Controlling access to the ship



Monitoring of the ship, including berthing areas and areas surrounding the ship



Handling of cargo



Delivery of ship’s stores



Handling unaccompanied baggage

Controlling the embarkation of persons and their effects







Ensuring that security communication is readily available between the ship and port facility



The signatories to this agreement certify that security measures and arrangements for bothe the port facility and the ship during the specified activities meet the provisions of chapter XI-2 and Part A of Code that will be implemented in a accordance with the provisions already stipulated in their approved plan or the specific arrangements agreed to and set out in the attached annex.


Dated at………………………………………….on the……………………………………………..



The port facility:

The ship:

(Signature of Port Facility Security Officer)        (Signature of Master or Ship Security Officer)

Name and title of person who signed



Title :

Title :


Contact Details

(to be completed as appropriate)

(indicate the telephone numbers or the radio channels or frequencies to be used)

For the port facility:

For the ship:

Port Facility                                                      Master

Port Facility Security Officer                              Ship Security Officer


                                                                        Company Security Officer


Appendix 2 Form of Security Incident Report


Report of Security Incidents


Date of Security Incidents:

Ship’s Name:

Port of Destination:



Ship Security Officer:

Other crew or port facility officer related to the incidents:



Description of port area (in case related):

 Summary of the incidents or threats:

 Name of attacker (if known):

 Type of hazardous substance/equipment/used weapon (e.g. Handgun, explosives, knife):

 How are the security measures circumvented?


Details of additional related matters:


Appendix 6: Company Security Officer


The Company security officer in charge of this ship is given hereunder




            Title (in case he has other duties):


            Contact points (Phone number during officer hours):

                                    (Home – outside office hours):

                                    (Mobile phone):



Appendix 7: Ship Security Officer

(Ship Security Officer of this ship is the first mate.  Name and period of assignment is given hereunder)


(As Ship Security Officer of this ship, the following personnel is appointed)



Signature of the Master



















































Appendix 8 : Duties and Responsibilities

Security level                      Name of the Port




Person in charge

Monitoring access to ship

0000-0400 & 1200-1600 hrs

Duty Officer / Seaman A

0400-0800 & 1600-2000 hrs

Duty Officer / Seaman B

0800-1200 & 2000-2400 hrs

Duty Officer / Seaman C

Control visitors and baggage

0000-0400 & 1200-1600 hrs

Duty Officer / Seaman A

0400-0800 & 1600-2000 hrs

Duty Officer / Seaman B

0800-1200 & 2000-2400 hrs

Duty Officer / Seaman C

Monitoring restricted area

0000-0400 & 1200-1600 hrs

Duty Officer / Seaman A

0400-0800 & 1600-2000 hrs

Duty Officer / Seaman B

0800-1200 & 2000-2400 hrs

Duty Officer / Seaman C

Monitoring Deck area and the vicinity of the ship

0000-0400 & 1200-1600 hrs

Duty Officer / Seaman A

0400-0800 & 1600-2000 hrs

Duty Officer / Seaman B

0800-1200 & 2000-2400 hrs

Duty Officer / Seaman C

Monitoring cargo



0000-0400 & 1200-1600 hrs

Duty Officer / Seaman A

0400-0800 & 1600-2000 hrs

Duty Officer / Seaman B

0800-1200 & 2000-2400 hrs

Duty Officer / Seaman C

Monitoring delivery of ship’s store


0000-0400 & 1200-1600 hrs

Duty Officer / Seaman A

0400-0800 & 1600-2000 hrs

Duty Officer / Seaman B

0800-1200 & 2000-2400 hrs

Duty Officer / Seaman C



Appendix 9 : Security Measures at each Security Level



Security level 1

Security level 2

Security level 3





1st  mate




2nd  mate




3rd mate




Chief Engineer




1st Engineer




2nd Engineer




3rd Engineer




Radio Operator








Able Seaman A




Able Seaman B




Able Seaman C




Ordinary Seaman A




Ordinary Seaman B




Oilier A




Oilier B




Oilier C




Wiper A








Assistant Cook

















Appendix 10: Contingency Plan


1.    Response to hijack cases

Action to follow when ship is hijacked

Behave as follow when hijacker or terrorist came on board the ship.

a)   Keep calm and advise all officers and members of crew to keep calm.  Do not try to resist armed terrorists unless as a last resort in a clear life threatening situation.

b)   Ensure the safety of the ship

c)   Activate the ship security alert system

d)   (when ship is not fitted with the ship security alert system) Broadcast a distress message, if possible.  Procedures to transmit alert signals to shore authority or to the company under distress or threatened situation should be prepared beforehand.

e)   Offer reasonable co-operation.  Terrorists are very nervous and aggressive at the incident.  Calm behavior of the master and officers may mitigate the strain of terrorists.

f)    There is danger that a terrorist gets excited.  Among the terrorist there exists who has abnormal character, and seeking an excuse for murder.  This excuse is intentionally built up by misunderstanding.  Abuse of a special privilege or aggression should not be returned.

g)   Hijackers are unlikely to understand how a particular ship works, its capabilities and limitations and may be suspicious about routing operations.  They need be relieved through trust of ship’s personnel who respond without deception.

h)   Try to establish what group of terrorists is involved as early as possible.

i)     Try to increase the number of access point to the vessel. Without risk.

j)     Without suggesting what they may be, seek to establish the hijackers’ demands and what deadlines have been set for meeting them.

k)   Assume that the incident will be prolonged.  The longer incident drags on, the more likely they are to end without injury to the hostages.

l)     Recognize that hostages will feet isolated during the incident, as they will be unaware of steps being taken by the company and/or government authorities on their behalf.  This can lead to antagonism against the authorities and sympathy for the terrorists.  Every effort will be being made to end the incident with the utmost emphasis on the  preservation of life and personal safety of all innocent parties involved.

m) Understand that establishment of a reasonably rapport between hostages and captors are likely to reduce the chances of the terrorists acting violently against their hostages.

n)   Be aware that at some stage in the incident a confrontation between the terrorists and outside authorities may occur.  Before this confrontation, an opportunity may arise or may be created to pass information bout the hijackers, such as their number, descriptions, sex, how they are armed, how they deploy themselves, how they communicate with each other, their cause, nationality, language(s) spoken and understand, their standard of competence and their level of vigilance, and whether any of the hostages have been separately unidentified as to nationality, religion or occupation (e.g. forces personnel).

o)   Wherever and whenever possible, the hijackers should be encouraged to surrender peacefully and should be discouraged from mistreating either passengers or crew.


In the event or in anticipation of military action:


a)   Do not react to strangely dressed newcomers.

b)   Do not attract attention to any unusual activity.

c)   If shooting, or the loud command “GET DOWN”, is heard immediately lie face down, cover ears, close eyes and slightly open mouth.  Do not move until an “all clear” is given.

d)   If the loud command “STAND STELL” is heard, then freeze immediately.

e)   If the location of terrorist bombs or weapons is known, inform a member of the military assault force as soon as possible.

f)    Do not shelter or hide terrorists.

g)   Do not take photographs of the military assault force.

Following the incident, the master and his crew should avoid takling to the press and other media persons about the methods used to resolve the incidents.


2.                  Bomb threat (Intimidation)

Initial Action

-                                                                                        When there is threatening of bomb, a person who received telephonic menace shall ask the following questions.

-       When does the bomb explode?

-       Where is the bomb?

-       What shape does it have?

-       What type of bomb?

-       What measure causes it to explode?

-       Have you placed the bomb?

-       By what reason?

-       Where are you calling from?

-       Where is your address?

-       What is your name?

-                                                                                        Take notes of characteristics of voice you heard

- Calm                      Slow                 Crying              Obscure

- Stammer                Deep                Loud                 Smattering (broken)

- Giggle                    Accent             Angry               Fast

- Stressed                 Nasal voice       Exiting with a slip

- Disguised               Sincere                         Screaming         Normal

-                                                                                        Have you ever heard of the voice, or it resembles somebody?

-                                                                                        Have you heard a background noise?

-                                                                                        Take note of the wording spoken correctly

-                                                                                        When ship is in port, report this telephone to the shore authority.  (harbor master, police, fire, fighter, etc.)


Subsequent action

-       Activate the ship security alert system

-       Ring emergency bell.  All members of crew stand on emergency station.

-       Organize the search group, and explain them on the bomb threat.

-       Fire hoses set at fire station, and prepare for emergency measure against hull damage.

-       Prepare the unloading plan

-       Prepare the stability calculation




  1. Unidentified Object/Explosive on Shipboard

Initial Action

Activate the ship security alert system, and report to company and agent of nearest port about the description and others of the object accurately

-       appearance, size, color, fittings

-       location found on shipboard

-                                                                                                      Do not put it in water or play water on it as this could short a control circuit and denote it

-                                                                                                      Do not run in the vicinity of the device

-                                                                                                      Do not use VHF/UHF radios in the vicinity, within 3m, of the device.

-                                                                                                      Do not handle, touch, shake, open or move suspected explosives or suspected devices.

-                                                                                                      Do not cut, pull or touch wires, switches, fuses or fastenings.

-                                                                                                      Don not step on fuses.

-                                                                                                      Do not pass metallic tools near the suspected device

-                                                                                                      Do not move switches, open hooks or fastenings.

-                                                                                                      Do not smoke near by.

-                                                                                                      Do not get too near the device to inspect.

-                                                                                                      Do not move the device away from people – move people away from the device.

-                                                                                                      Do not come close to the device


Subsequent Action

-       Put sandbags or mattress around the suspected device.

-       Clear neighborhood including above and below of the device.  ( 6 planes)

-       Identify restricted area, and instruct the crew to keep away.

-       Keep the doors and openings open, so as to minimize primary damage.

-       Obey instructions given by the company and shore authorities.


If a bomb explodes without warning, onboard or near the ship, the master should, -

-       Ensure watertight integrity and stability.

-       Render first aid where/if necessary

-       Take fire-fighting precautions

-       Muster personnel to establish number and names of casualties.

-       Inform company, local authorities (in port), and make distress call (at sea) if necessary.

-       In port, be prepared to handle inquiries from press and next-of-kin.


4. Bomb Threat/Damage and Destruction to Port Facility

-       Activate the ship security alert system.

-       Issue order to stand on emergency station.

-       Report to the Contracting Government of the port facility.

-       Obey instructions given by personnel responding to the threat (PFSO)

-       Prepare to evacuate from the ship/ prepare departure of ship from the port.


1.    Procedure for responding to pirates attack

Action when encountered with Attackers/Pirates

-       Blow whistle to alert the crew and other ships.

-       Increase ship’s speed, and change the course to seaside, if possible.

-       Light up the upper deck and ship’s side, when appropriate, and hit the light to possible attackers, using searchlight, to dazzle them.

-       If pirates/attackers try to endanger the ship, shoot rocket flares.

-       If intruders try to get onboard using a hook, cut the rope of the hook.

-       Activate the ship security alert system.

-       (when ship is not fitted with this system) Giver alert to shore authority and other ships in the vicinity.  (When the pirate/armed robbers assaulted the ship, transmit the distress signal using the DSC device.  GMDSS of INMARSAT is transmitting the pirate information via INMARSAT-C)


Action to take when Attackers/Pirates get on shipboard


Once the pirate gets on board, the action to take by the master and crew differs depending on the degree how much the attackers take command of the ship.  However, the objectives of the master and crew are:

-       to ensure safety of persons on board with the greatest possible effort;

-       to ensure operation of ship by the member of crew;

-       to ensure leaving of attackers from ship as soon as possible.


In any case, never expose human life to danger by challenging against violence to protect the properties on board.


Evacuate in pre-determined safe place, as appropriate, and ensure that all personnel are staying there.  Members of crew should pay effort to stay together.


Report the circumstances using radio equipment and seek to get help, if possible.  When intruder forbids use of radio, crew should pay attention on their ability to monitor the use of radio equipment


Crew should not stay in between the intruders and their boat.  Because this would increase the risk of injury or violence.  Priority should be given that the intruders may easily leave off a alongside the ship.


As a rule, not try to arrest the attackers.  This action works to induce violence.


When the ship is hijacked by the intruders, liaise with them, if possible, to take command of ship’s operation and seek to return hostages.  However, in many cases, only one option to ensure safety is to accept the requirement of the attackers.


Action to take after assault is over

-       Issue pre-determined signal to announce the finish of assault.

-       Ensure safety of personnel and the ship.

-       Call the roll to confirm all members of crew are on board.

-       Inspect if anyone injured.

-       Report to RCC.

-       Ask for medical advice over radio, if needed.


2.    Procedures for responding to stowaway cases

When a stowaway is found, the master shall immediately inspect this person.  In order to identify this person, the ship shall collect as much document as possible pertaining to him such as passport, seamen’s not, ID card, physical check record, letters, etc.


In general, a stowaway denies his possession of document, and uses a false name and false nationality.  However, in many cases, the stowaways hold their identity paper in secret, near the compartment where they were found.  Therefore, the ship should perform a systematic search of document.


Most important action at finding of stowaway is to report to the company, immediately, of this fact together with all information available.


Also report to the authority and agent where the stowaway came onboard, and to the same of next port.


Refrain from raising uproar for the stowaway,  But give him a room and meal.  During navigation along coastal water and in port, keep him in calm in locked room, and avoids unnecessary contact of crewmember with him, until further instruction is issued.


In general, ship’s deviation just for disembarkation of the stowaway is not permitted in the charter party.  He shall be disembarked only after approval of the company.

Ship Security Plan Page -> 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 <- Total 5 pages

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